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This is the all-in-one book that was created to save you time, money, and help you reduce waste.  From grocery lists and meal plans to individual recipes, it is all in here! This e-book is unique in that you only eat recipes from one cuisine each week. There are four different cuisines in this volume and there is diversity in the recipes so you are getting variety in each cuisine week. The cuisine weeks included in this volume are American, Italian, Mediterranean, and Mexican. All you have to do is pick what cuisine week you want and cook the recipes. Everything else is done for you so you can spend less time thinking about what's for dinner and more time doing the things you love!

What you get.

In this E-book

This e-book is made for those who want to save time and money while eating healthy and nutritious vegan meals.

In this e-book, you will find meal plans, grocery lists, and recipes. This e-book is categorized by cuisine weeks. The cuisines provided in Volume 1 include American, Italian, Mediterranean, and Mexican. Eating one cuisine per week allows all ingredients to be used which reduces waste and allows for appreciation of different cultures.

You will notice that the dinner portion of the meal plans has the most recipes. This is because the goal of this book is to SAVE TIME & MONEY. The way to optimize time is to make enough dinner so there are leftovers for lunch the following day.

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Grocery Lists & Meal Plans

The grocery list portion of this e-book is designed to provide you with everything you need to have an efficient grocery shopping experience and so you don't have to think about meal plans, recipes and creating a grocery list each week. Everything is already done for you. 


The grocery lists directly correlate to the recipes that are provided in each cuisine week. Included in the e-book is a pdf version of the grocery lists as well as a link to the google sheet page that outlines the meal plans, grocery lists, and allows for the interactive feature so you can customize your grocery list as needed.

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The recipes in this e-book are all vegan but can easily be adjusted to incorporate non-vegan diets. Just note that cooking times may vary, so if you are subbing meat, you'll have to adjust accordingly.

The recipes are from various authors who are all credited throughout this e-book. All of the pictures are my own and I personally tested each recipe multiple times to ensure the appearance, taste, and process were of quality.


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