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Updated: Jan 20, 2022

So many of us have busy schedules and it often feels like it is impossible to add physical exercise into the mix. Here are some tips and tricks to help incorporate some form of exercise into your daily routine.

1. Set an intention: Why do I want to add exercise into my routine? What is my goal? What makes me motivated?

2. Aim for no excuses: Starting a habit of exercise doesn't mean you have to do a 30 minute to an hour workout everyday. If you can do 10 squats while you're cooking dinner and 5 knee push-ups before bed, give yourself a pat on the back.

3. Make it a part of your routine: Start each morning with a short exercise movement or a brief walk. End each day with another exercise movement and slowly increase the duration and intensity of the movements after each week and month of the repetition (I'll list examples below).

4. Accept your level of ability: If it has been years since you went for a run or lifted a weight, aim to find peace and acceptance in your abilities and notice and praise yourself for your efforts and progress as the days and weeks go on.

5. Breathe: Breathing through physical exercise is crucial and aids in form and increases your ability to complete each exercise or workout (prolongs duration). Inhale on the easy parts (i.e. sitting down in your squat) and exhale on the difficult parts (i.e. standing up from your squat). When running, ensure your breath is even and comfortable. If your breath is not even, slow down the pace until you can maintain a comfortable breathing pattern during increased speed.

Ideas for at home Exercises that can take LESS THAN 5 MINUTES:

  • Morning stretches in or beside your bed

  • Leg raises while brushing your teeth

  • push-ups against kitchen counter before you pour your coffee or waiting for your toast

  • Squats while cooking dinner

  • Crunches before bed

  • Meditation or yoga before bed

Although I have always had an active lifestyle, I was never able to do a handstand. In 2018 I made it a goal for myself to learn to do a handstand. I practiced everyday by placing my hands one foot from a wall in my apartment or at my gym and practiced throwing my feet up to be supported against the wall. Eventually, I was able to do a handstand without assistance. Practice and patience are essential to any journey.

Below is a 15 minute full body workout from a fitness blogger (MadFit) who conducts various at home workouts that you may find useful. If some of her exercises are too difficult, substitute an exercise that feels comfortable (one you've tried before) and do that during the duration of the exercise that is more advanced. As long as you are doing something you will still get an effective workout.

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